FLIP Version 4.2.1

FLIP Version 4.2.1

App Updates, FLIP News

FLIP is happy to announce the release of version 4.2.1.

New Card Type: Playlist

The Playlist card has been added. With this card, you can upload individual audio files to create a playlist that will auto-advance through each track. Each track can also have its own image and description text added to it. Your progress through each piece of audio will be tracked so you never lose your place.

Video Subtitles

When uploading an MP4 video to FLIP, you now have the option to add a .VTT subtitle file. The video player has also been upgraded to support subtitles while in full screen mode.

Click here to learn more about creating .VTT files.

Feedback Improvements

When you add the feedback function to a card, users can provide additional freeform feedback via a new text box.

Faster start-up times via code optimization.

These updates will be rolling out across all admins and apps in the coming weeks.

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