FLIP Analytics & Reporting Upgrade!

App Updates, FLIP News

Analytics and reporting are vital to ensure content is engaging, understand your users’ behavior, and measure ROI. With that in mind, FLIP is excited to release our new expansion to reporting. FLIP’s new Reporting Suite is a massive update to our reporting system, and we can’t wait for the FLIP community to start digging in. Read below to learn more about the details of what’s included and how you can use it to enhance the FLIP experience. Want to explore on your own? Log into your FLIP admin, visit the new Reporting tab, and click around!

Dashboard Overview

The first new addition and first thing you will see on login is the new Dashboard. The Activity tab gives an overview of how many people are using FLIP, how often they’re coming back, and more. Jump over to the Content tab to see how users are interacting with your cards and decks. Find out what users are looking for, what you could be missing, and what cards and decks are becoming more popular and less popular. Running assessments in FLIP? The Assessment tab gives the perfect view to see if people are passing or failing tests, what their scores are, and how long it’s taking.

Content Reports

The dashboard is a great high-level view of what is going on in FLIP. When you’re looking for a bit more specific data, you can now get detailed reports at all content levels. Each level of content – Category, Deck, and Card – gets a report page. Being able to dig into your content and understand how users are interacting with FLIP gives you the opportunity to further optimize the experience of FLIP. Learn if a card is or isn’t being used, if a deck is popular, if a category is being opened by a specific group, and more. All the data is filterable by date and exportable to CSV.

User Reports

Interested in learning about specific users’ usage or want to see their progress through assessment content? The User reports page is there for you. Quickly gain insight into what content users are loving and how often they are using FLIP. Check their assessment statuses to ensure users are keeping up with the latest quizzes and interactivities.

Custom Reports

Want to build your own reports? Need deeper insights in your data? Custom reports are for you. Choose exactly which data you want, schedule it when you want it, and get exports to your inbox. Custom Reports is a premium add-on, so if you’re interested in learning more about it, reach out to the Sales team at sales@flip.app to see a demo and learn more!

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