Microlearning works best when it is
short, focused, and easy to digest. Here’s how to ensure your content stays within the perfect range:
1. Stick to One Key Idea Per Deck
Keep each deck centered on a single topic, like “Handling Difficult Clients” or “Implementing Agile.”
2. Keep Lessons Between 5-10 Minutes
For video-based content, keep it under 10 minutes. Aim for 400-600 words for text, which typically takes about 3-5 minutes to read.
3. Be Selective with Multimedia
Enhance the experience with videos, infographics, or quizzes, but don’t let these extend beyond the 10-minute mark.
4. Add Interactive Elements
Quizzes and quick simulations are great for engagement, but they should be brief and to the point.
How to Estimate Reading Time
Take the total word count and divide it by 200 (the average reading speed in words per minute). For example, 500 words will take around 2.5 minutes to read.
Focus on clear, concise, and engaging content to create effective microlearning that fits the corporate schedule.